What part of speech is “will”

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as a noun, 'will' primarily refers to a person's ability to make choices or decisions, their intention or desire, or a legal document that indicates how a person wants their property to be distributed after they die.

Referring to Determination or Intention. 'Will' can denote a person's determination, intention, or desire. Legal Document. 'Will' can refer to a legal document that states who will receive a person's property, money, or possessions after they die. Mental Faculty. 'Will' can also refer to the mental faculty by which a person decides on and initiates action.

With enough will, you can achieve anything.

He left his entire estate to charity in his will.

The power of the human will is astonishing.

The term 'last will and testament' is a formal term often used to refer to the legal document, with 'will' and 'testament' essentially meaning the same thing. Don't confuse 'will' (noun) with 'will' (modal verb). The context usually makes the intended meaning clear, but it's essential to be aware of the distinction.


Will is a verb used to express a desire, a lack of desire, an intention, or to request a future event or action from another person. It is used mostly in the first person, or in the form of a command to give an order or instruction.

Will is used to form the future tense in English, and is also used to make a statement about something that could happen in the future. Will is also used to make predictions about the future, and to talk about habits and states which may or may not continue over time. When used in the future tense, 'will' usually comes after the subject, followed by the verb. Will can also be used to make polite requests, such as 'Will you help me with this?' or 'Will you pass me the butter?'.

'I will go to the store,'

'They will stay here for the night,'

'They will arrive at the airport by 2pm.'

'The sun will come up tomorrow.'

When using will to form the future tense, remember that you always use the simple form of the verb after will. Additionally, 'would' can also be used to make polite requests.

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