What part of speech is “slow”

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slow is an adjective meaning marked by a low rate of speed, gradualness, or a lack of quickness. It can also be used to describe someone or something that does not move or respond quickly. In this sense, slow can be used to describe someone or something functioning at a pace other than the expected or desired one.

1. The turtle was slow to respond to the other animals in the race.

2. After a slow start he was able to speed up and finish first.

3. My slow typing is the main reason why I can’t finish the project on time.

when using 'slow' as an adjective, you should be careful to not confuse it with its homonyms 'slower' and 'slowest.' Though there is some overlap in usage, the two terms have slightly different meanings. 'Slower' typically implies that the process, event, or action it is modifying is slow in relation to another process, event, or action, while 'slow' implies that a process, event, or action just generally moves or happens slowly. Additionally, 'slow' is only used as an adjective, and should not be used as the adverb form (slowly).


as a verb, 'slow' means to reduce speed or to make something move, operate, or work at a reduced pace. It can be used transitively (with a direct object) or intransitively (without a direct object).

when used transitively, 'slow' often takes a direct object, indicating what is being slowed down. When used intransitively, 'slow' indicates a reduction in speed without specifying what is slowing down, often inferred from context.

Can you slow the car as we approach the intersection?

The economy began to slow after several months of rapid growth.

The driver slowed at the sight of the deer crossing the road.

'slow' as a verb is often followed by 'down' in colloquial speech, especially in American English, e.g., 'Slow down!' However, 'slow' by itself can also be used as a verb without 'down.' Avoid confusing 'slow' (verb) with 'slowly' (adverb). For instance, 'He drives slowly' (adverb describing the verb 'drives') vs. 'He needs to slow the car' (verb indicating action). 'Slow up' is another colloquial way of saying 'slow down,' though it's less common.

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