What part of speech is “sense”

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the noun form of 'sense' refers to any discernible feeling, perception, or opinion.

This noun can be used to refer to a sense of sight, hearing, taste, touch, smell, or psychological senses like intuition or opinion. When used this way, 'sense' is usually used in the singular form. Other uses of the noun 'sense' refer to any of the five senses, often in the plural form. When used to refer to any of the five senses, 'sense' is also used as an attributive noun.

1. There was a strange sense of anticipation in the air.

2. He had a sense that something was amiss.

3. Her sense of hearing was sharp.

4. The child was experiencing all five senses for the first time.

5. It seemed like he had a sixth sense when it came to knowing when something was wrong.

6. She used her common sense to make the decision.

7. He had a keen sense of smell.

8. His sense of taste was not very developed.

9. I can’t relate to others’ sense of touch.

common mistakes when using the noun form of 'sense' include using it in the plural form when referring to psychological senses like intuition or opinion. For example, 'He had a senses that it was time to leave' should be 'He had a sense that it was time to leave'.


the verb form of 'sense' can be used to mean having the ability to detect something.

1. The camera senses motion.

2. He sensed danger ahead.

3. She can sense when people are lying.

one common mistake is using the wrong verb in a sentence. For example, 'He felt danger ahead' should be 'He sensed danger ahead.'

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