What part of speech is “safety”

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the word ‘safety’ is a noun which refers to the state of being protected from harm or other danger. It can also refer to the protection itself, such as devices or measures taken to ensure safety.

rules and use cases associated with the word include using it as a countable noun when referring to the condition or device, and using it as a singular or uncountable noun when referring to the state of being safe.

1. We must ensure the safety of the passengers before takeoff.

2. Security guards are responsible for the safety of the campus.

3. He installed extra safeties for his home as a precaution.

tips and nuances associated with using this word as a noun include using it in the singular when referring to the state of being safe, as in 'Our number one priority is safety.' Common mistakes include using the plural form ‘safeties’ to refer to the state of being safe rather than the devices or measures taken to ensure safety.

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