What part of speech is “reading”

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Reading is a noun that is defined as the action or skill of looking at and understanding written or printed material. It is generally used to describe the process of gaining knowledge from written or printed materials. Reading often requires comprehension and interpretation of the material being read.

Reading can be used to describe the actual physical action of receiving knowledge from written or printed material, such as 'He enjoys reading books.' It can also be used more generally to refer to the ability to read or comprehend the material, such as 'He has very poor reading skills.' Reading can also be used colloquially to mean looking at something, even if no information is being gained from it.

1. Reading is next in my schedule.

2. Parties have agreed in the last reading.


Reading is also a verb that is defined as the action or process of understanding written or printed material.

Reading can be used in the present tense to describe the act of looking and understanding written or printed material, such as 'He is reading the newspaper.'

1. The students are reading a chapter from their textbook in class today.

2. I am reading an article about last football match.

When using reading as a verb, be sure to pair it with the correct object. The object should refer to what is being read, such as a book, article, or newspaper.

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