What part of speech is “particular”

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as a noun, 'particular' refers to a specific detail or item, especially when emphasizing its distinctive or special nature in comparison to others. It can also refer to an individual item or detail as opposed to the general or the whole.

when used as a noun, 'particular' often appears in the plural form 'particulars' to refer to specific details about something.

I won't go into the particulars of the case for confidentiality reasons.

She asked for the particulars of the transaction.

Can you provide more particulars about the event?

be cautious not to confuse the noun form with the adjective form. As an adjective, 'particular' means specific as opposed to general or special to a specific circumstance or individual.

When asking for specific details, it's common to use 'particulars' in the plural form.


particular is an adjective that is used to describe the unique or specific features of something or someone. It can refer to either a single thing or a broader group of things. It is often used to describe items or people that have features that are different or separate from the norm.

1. I have particular tastes in art, so I'm not sure if I'll like her work.

2. He was known to have particular memories of his youth.

3. She had particular skills which enabled her to succeed in her job.

particular should not be confused with other similar adjectives such as ‘specific' and ‘special’. Particular refers to something individual or unique, whereas ‘specific’ refers to an exact detail or type. Special, on the other hand, implies that the thing in question is of high quality.

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