What part of speech is “must”

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'must' refers to something that is highly recommended or essential. It can also refer to the freshly pressed juice of grapes or other fruits, especially during the process of fermentation in winemaking.

'Must' can be used to refer to something that is highly recommended or essential to do, see, or experience. In the context of winemaking, 'must' refers to the freshly pressed fruit juice that contains the skins, seeds, and stems of the fruit.

Visiting the Eiffel Tower is a must when you're in Paris.

This book is a must for anyone interested in history.

The must is left to ferment for several days to produce wine.

When 'must' is used to indicate something highly recommended, it often carries a sense of urgency or importance. In the context of winemaking, 'must' is a technical term, so its meaning should be clear based on the context. Don't confuse the noun form of 'must' with its more common usage as a modal verb. The context usually clarifies which form is being used.


'Must' is a verb in the English language that is used to denote obligations, duties, and inevitabilities. 'Must' is also a modal auxiliary verb, and it denotes necessity, probability, strong recommendation, and inevitability in the English language. In this role, the verb 'must' is not conjugated and is often followed by a subsequent verb.

the verb 'must' is used to express strong necessities or probabilities, such as a requirement or expectation. Generally, the verb 'must' is placed before another verb, though it may also be used alone.

1. You must finish your homework before going to bed.

2. I must try the new restaurant in town.

3. We must always remember to be kind.

1. She must have left already.

2. It must be raining outside.

3. We must get going soon.

The verb 'must' is used to express a strong sense of obligation, and occasionally a degree of urgency. Note that this verb approach is more specific than other 'have to' or 'need to' forms of expression. The modal auxialiary verb 'must' should not be confused with the normal verb 'must.' Whereas the normal verb 'must' is used to denote a requirement, the modal auxiliary verb 'must' is used to denote a necessity or probability. Additionally, the modal auxiliary verb is usually followed by a subsequent verb, whereas the normal verb 'must' may be used on its own.

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