What part of speech is “like”

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a noun is a part of speech used to name a person, place, thing, or an idea. The noun 'like' is used as a common noun when talking about a comprehensive liking or preference for something or some activity. For example, you may use the phrase 'it's like my favorite thing ever' when expressing your strong approval or fondness for something.

1. I just have a like for all kinds of art.

2. My son has a like for fishing.

3. She had a real like for the local restaurant.

Make sure to use the correct noun form for the numbers of the liked thing. For example, 'like' can be either singular or plural depending on the context.


verb is a part of speech used to express action, occurrence, or a state of being. The verb 'like' is used when expressing a preference or inclination in the present contest. For example, you may say 'I like going to the beach' when expressing your appreciation for the activity of going to the beach.

1. She likes to take long walks.

2. He likes to eat a lot of ice cream.

3. They like to visit the zoo.

Make sure to use the correct verb form for the subject. For example, 'like' needs to be conjugated to 'likes' if the subject is singular.


as an adverb, 'like' is used to indicate that something is similar in manner or appearance to something else. It often describes how someone does something or how something happens, suggesting a manner that is similar to another.

He looks like he's about to cry.

It sounds like a cat meowing.

She's acting like she doesn't care.

The adverbial use of 'like' often overlaps with its use as a preposition. The distinction can sometimes be subtle. Avoid using 'like' as an adverb to introduce clauses. For instance, 'Like I said earlier, it's going to rain.' Here, 'like' is informally used, but 'As I said earlier' would be more standard.


as a conjunction, 'like' is used to introduce a way or manner in which something is done. It can also introduce an example or a state of being. However, it's worth noting that some grammarians and style guides advise against using 'like' as a conjunction in formal writing, suggesting 'as' or 'as if' as alternatives.

It felt like I was floating on air.

She behaves like she owns the place.

I enjoy peaceful activities, like reading and gardening.

'Like' as a conjunction is more accepted in American English than in British English. In formal writing, it's often recommended to use 'as' or 'as if' instead of 'like' when introducing clauses. For instance, 'Do it as I showed you' instead of 'Do it like I showed you.'

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