What part of speech is “fell”

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as a noun, 'fell' has a few different meanings, but most commonly, it refers to a high and barren landscape feature, such as a mountain range or moor-covered hills. Additionally, in the context of animal hides, 'fell' can refer to the skin or hide of an animal.

The hikers trekked across the fell, enjoying the panoramic views from the top.

The butcher removed the fell from the lamb before processing the meat.

The Lake District in England is known for its picturesque fells.

the term 'fell' as a landscape feature is particularly associated with Northern England, especially the Lake District. Don't confuse the noun 'fell' with the past tense of the verb 'fall,' which is also 'fell' (e.g., 'He fell down.').


'fell' can also be used as a verb, meaning to knock down, cause to drop, or cut down (a tree, for example).

it is a past form of verb 'fall.

1. 'The lumberjack quickly fell the old oak.'

2. 'The sharp gust of wind caused the old fence post to fell.'

3. 'He felt a sudden urge to fell the resisting tree.'

one of the common mistakes associated with using 'fell' as a verb is the confusion between it and the word 'fall.' The two words are frequently used in similar contexts, and the distinction between them is often difficult to make without careful practice. One tip for using 'fell' as a verb is to look at the context in which it is used – if an action is being done to something in the sentence, it is likely that 'fell' is appropriate (e.g. 'The wind fell the tree'). If no action is being taken, then 'fall' is likely to be the more appropriate verb (e.g. 'The tree fell in the storm').

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