Forty vs Fourty

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What’s the difference between them?



Forty is the number that comes after thirty-nine and before forty-one.


1. I am forty years old.

2. Forty people attended the meeting.

3. He ate forty pieces of candy.



Misspelling of the word 'forty.'


no examples

Learn similar and opposite words to spot the difference




There are no direct synonyms for this word.

There are no direct antonyms for this word.


This word doesn't exist, so there are no synonyms for it.

This word doesn't exist, so there are no antonyms for it.

Tricks for mastery

Useful tips to understand the difference between confusing words "Forty", "Fourty".

1. Remember that 'Forty' doesn't have a letter 'u.'

2. Forty is a homophone of the word 'forth', so you could remember that 'Forty' comes 'forth'.

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Frequently asked questions

When to use the word 'Forty'?

Forty should be used when referring to a number between 39 and 41, as a way to express how many or how much of something there is. For example, if there are 40 people in the room, you would say 'there are forty people in the room'. It can also be used in other contexts, such as in time (forty minutes) and in measurements (forty centimeters).

When to use the second word, 'Fourty'?

Fourty is not a word and should not be used. Forty is the correct spelling.

Do the words have the same pronunciation?

Yes, both words are pronounced the same, with the main stress falling on the first syllable and the 'ty' sounding like 'tee'.

What are common mistakes associated with words 'Forty' and 'Fourty'?

The most common mistake associated with these words is the incorrect spelling of the number forty. Many people mistakenly use the spelling 'fourty' instead of forty. This is incorrect and should be avoided. Additionally, some people may confuse these words with other numbers spelled similarly, such as thirty, fifty, and sixty. It is important to be aware of the correct spelling and pronunciation of these words.

Fill in the gaps to check yourself

1. I have _____ dollars in my pocket.

2. This is the _____th time I have seen this movie.

3. I have _____ employees in my store.

4. Queen Victoria reigned for _____ years.

5. The _____th chapter of the book is the longest.

6. I have _____ apples in my basket.

1. I have forty dollars in my pocket.

Explanation: Forty is the correct spelling of the word.

2. This is the fortieth time I have seen this movie.

Explanation: Fortieth is the ordinal form of the number forty.

3. I have forty employees in my store.

Explanation: Forty is the correct spelling of the word.

4. Queen Victoria reigned for forty years.

Explanation: Forty is the correct spelling of the word.

5. The fortieth chapter of the book is the longest.

Explanation: Fortieth is the ordinal form of the number forty.

6. I have forty apples in my basket.

Explanation: Forty is the correct spelling of the word.

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