Curricula vs Curriculum

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What’s the difference between them?



Curricula is the plural form of the word curriculum, which means the courses offered by a school or educational program.


1. The curricula of our school are designed to ensure that all students attain the same level of educational excellence.

2. Our group is developing innovative curricula to help teach students more effectively.

3. The college has updated its curricula to include more technology-based learning.



The curriculum is the set of courses, educational materials, and learning experiences that are planned and taught in a school or other educational institution.


1. The school's updated curriculum added several new courses to the program.

2. I enrolled in a Spanish language class to supplement my college curriculum.

3. She created an innovative kindergarten curriculum to benefit her students.

Learn similar and opposite words to spot the difference




1. Courses of study

2. Lesson plans

3. Educational plans

1. Ignorance

2. Unlearning

3. Unfamiliarity

4. Lack of knowledge

5. Uneducated


1. Course of study

2. Lesson plan

3. Syllabus

4. Programme of instruction

5. Educational plan

1. Ignorance

2. Disinterest

3. Unlearning

4. Uninformed

5. Not pursuing knowledge

Tricks for mastery

Useful tips to understand the difference between confusing words "Curricula", "Curriculum".

1. Mnemonic phrase: 'A curricula is a collection of curriculums.'

2. When referring to the content of a course or program of study, use 'curriculum'.

3. When referring to more than one course or program of study, use 'curricula'.

4. Mnemonic for easy recall: Think of 'curriculum' as a 'single' and 'curricula' as 'multiple' curriculums.

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Frequently asked questions

In what situations should the first word be used?

The word 'curricula' is the plural form of the noun 'curriculum'. It should be used when referring to more than one curriculum, such as when talking about a school's specific curricula for each grade.

When is the appropriate context for using the second word?

'Curriculum' is the singular form of the noun and should be used when referring to one established course of study.

Do the two words share the same pronunciation?

No, the two words do not share the same pronunciation. 'Curricula' is pronounced kuh-rik-yuh-luh while 'curriculum' is pronounced kuh-rik-yuh-lum.

What are some common mistakes people make when using these words?

One of the most common mistakes people make when using these words is confusing them for one another. It is important to remember that 'curricula' is used when referring to more than one curriculum, while 'curriculum' is used when referring to one established course of study.

Fill in the gaps to check yourself

1. The students of this school must follow a strict ___________.

2. The school is in the process of revising its ___________.

3. Each department offers its own set of ___________.

4. The ___________ includes a comprehensive list of courses.

5. The ___________ is designed to ensure educational success.

6. The school has adopted an innovative approach to its ___________.

1. The students of this school must follow a strict curriculum.

Explanation: The word curriculum is a noun and is defined as the courses comprising an area of study. In this sentence, the word is used to refer to a set of courses that the students must follow.

2. The school is in the process of revising its curricula.

Explanation: The word curricula is the plural form of curriculum and is used to refer to multiple courses or sets of courses. In this sentence, the word is used to refer to the multiple courses that the school is in the process of revising.

3. Each department offers its own set of curricula.

Explanation: The word curricula is again used to refer to multiple courses or sets of courses. In this sentence, the word is used to refer to the multiple courses offered by each department.

4. The curriculum includes a comprehensive list of courses.

Explanation: The word curriculum is used as a singular noun in this sentence to refer to the set of courses comprising the area of study. In this sentence, the word is used to refer to the comprehensive list of courses.

5. The curriculum is designed to ensure educational success.

Explanation: The word curriculum is again used as a singular noun in this sentence to refer to the set of courses comprising the area of study. In this sentence, the word is used to refer to the set of courses designed to ensure educational success.

6. The school has adopted an innovative approach to its curricula.

Explanation: The word curricula is used to refer to multiple courses or sets of courses. In this sentence, the word is used to refer to the multiple courses that the school has adopted an innovative approach to.

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